Traditionally Pad Thai is made with a variety of proteins, such as chicken, shrimp, and egg and is dripping in a sweet and spicy sauce, covered in crushed peanuts.

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Traditionally Pad Thai is made with a variety of proteins, such as chicken, shrimp, and egg and is dripping in a sweet and spicy sauce, covered in crushed peanuts.
Summer is slowly moving in to Central Vermont. It feels like a two step forward and one step back...
This is tempeh simplicity. Quick, simple and delicious to make. Ume-Tempeh 1 pound Rhapsody...
This is my husbands favorite tempeh recipe. I prefer tempeh that is crispy and a little sweet, but...
Before I get started with another simple tempeh dish I want to make a few notes about ingredients...
I often associate creamy soups with winter and needing warmth. But I've been craving some rich yet...
When I make tempeh dishes I usually default to using soy sauce to season it. Regardless of the...
Ingredients: 1/2 cup rice syrup2 Tbsp. crushed garlic1/2 cup (to taste) soy sauceRice vinegar...
An Oldie but goodie...... So I made this recipe up as I went along and will share with you what I...
We've been eating quite a bit of tempeh lately. It doesn't always speak to me loudly, but in the...