Rhapsody will be closed the week of Christmas, from December 21 until December 28. The last day we ship before Christmas is Monday, December 16.
Please order your goodies in the week prior; December 10 to the 15th, to guarantee shipment on the 16th.
We resume shipping on Monday December 30. The Rhapsody crew wishes you a wonderful holiday. 

How to Make Amazake

How to Make Amazake

Making this delicious sweet, rich and nourishing drink is simple, yet requires some love and attention. When I was younger I remember my parents making Amazake. It was never blended and had the rice texture that made it unique to the ones you could buy. When...


This is tempeh simplicity. Quick, simple and delicious to make.  Ume-Tempeh 1 pound Rhapsody Tempeh 2 Tbsp Sunflower Oil 2 Tbsp Umeboshi Vinegar  (to taste) Cut the tempeh into .5 inch cubes or strips that are .25 inches thick. Place the tempeh in the steamer and...