Rhapsody will be closed the week of Christmas, from December 21 until December 28. The last day we ship before Christmas is Monday, December 16.
Please order your goodies in the week prior; December 10 to the 15th, to guarantee shipment on the 16th.
We resume shipping on Monday December 30. The Rhapsody crew wishes you a wonderful holiday. 

When you are looking for Rhapsody natto in the Boston area, you can now include Whole Foods Market at Fresh Pond Circle, Cambridge, on your list. The nearby Brighton Whole Foods Market carried our natto for a while, so they know how to get it, too; repeated customer requests will bring it back on their shelf. Please fill out product request forms, ask the dairy buyer, or call the store, any store. We’re in the WFM vendor system.

Elsewhere in Massachusetts, Whole Foods Market Hadley, near Northampton in Massachusetts, is a steady seller of our natto. We sell to Guido’s Fresh Markets in Great Barrington and Pittsfield, Cornucopia in Northampton, Masao’s (Newton), Souen (Manhattan, NY), Essene (Philadelphia), Natural Market (Timonium, MD, near Baltimore), and many other natural food stores and coops throughout New England and the Eastern U.S. We will start to include a complete list on our website soon.

Since we are on the topic of natto: have you tried out our organic natto, yet? Made from large soybeans it is a different tactile experience, yet just as tasty and still a potent probiotic, high protein powerhouse.